Private Lessons
Our private lessons are great for any level singles or couples and are by far the fastest and most personalized way to reach your desired goal. Private lessons are 45-minutes and can conveniently be scheduled on days and times that work for you! Your instructor will custom tailor each lesson for you at your desired learning speed while always making your dance journey a fun and exciting experience. No partner? No problem! The beauty of a private lesson is that your fantastic teacher is your dance partner. Can’t beat that!

Group Classes
We offer many group classes throughout the week! Coming to group classes regularly as a refresher is an integral part of learning to dance. They provide a comfortable place for you to practice what you learned in your private lessons, learn new steps, strengthen your lead/follow abilities, and also a great way to meet fellow JTB students. Partner not required.
If you are new to the studio, we recommend taking advantage of the free private lesson before jumping into the group classes. This is the most efficient way to get started, as your instructor can help determine which classes are best for you.

Dance Parties
Our Practice Parties are the perfect time to practice everything you have been learning with your fellow JTB fam. Practice Parties always a fun, safe and friendly environment and of course your teachers will be there to help you every step of the way.