The JTB Social Dance Program is perfect for all singles or couples and will have you ready to dance anywhere to any song in no time. Learning to social dance at JT Ballroom is a great way to meet new people, rekindle a romance, release stress, and get exercise without being aware that you’re working out. Regardless of your goal, our instructors are eager to help and ready to get you dancing. Our personalized approach, JTB system of teaching, along with the amazing community we have built, makes JT Ballroom who we are and one of a kind. No experience necessary!


The benefits of dancing
What can social dance do for you?
Every student that has stepped through our doors has had a different reason for wanting to learn how to dance. Which is why we offer personalized programs that will meet all goals. Aside from the joy you receive from moving your body to amazing music, there are so many benefits that dancing will give you!
Did you know that dancing is one of the best forms of exercise? Surprise! Dancing can burn over 500 calories an hour without ever stepping foot in the gym. Your instructor will have you burning calories, and toning muscles you never knew you had all while learning how to dance.
Taking care of your body is great but do not forget about your mind. Frequent dancing actually makes you smarter! It releases endorphins and stimulates your mind, which also helps ward off Alzheimer’s disease.
Couples looking to rekindle their romance use our services as their date nights and they love finally being able to go out and dance together.
More Amazing Benefits
- release stress and tensions
- meet new people and be a part of a community
- burn calories
- lengthen and tone muscles
- transform your posture
- be at ease and confident in social situations
- rekindle the romance in your relationship
- overcome shyness
- be prepared for social events, such as work parties and weddings
- feel more energetic and happy
Learning to dance is an investment in your happiness and health. There’s nothing to lose by dancing… except weight, so let us help you take the next step in improving your life.