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Dancing Can Help Your Anxiety

By April 27, 2019August 23rd, 2019New Students, Benefits of Dance

Many people go through an unexplainable rush of fear and anxiety at the thought of being in any social situation. As a result, when suffering from social anxiety you tend to completely avoid all event and isolate yourself from society. As difficult as it may be at first, taking dance lessons will help.

Almost all social situations consist of dancing. Parties, nightclubs, weddings, cruises, festivals; all of these events include dancing.  Now imagine if you could actually dance! Imaging the confidence you would gain to help ease your anxiety.

Dance Studio’s Will Accommodate

At JT Ballroom Dance Studio, we have had many students suffering from social anxiety and all began dancing to as a way to help. So how can you go to a crowded dance studio and attempt to dance in front of all of those people?

We offer private lessons and group classes and suggest starting with the private sessions. Ask your instructor to schedule your lesson during a time that is not so busy. You can also request using the junior ballroom to make it more private for yourself. After a couple lessons you should feel comfortable enough to move into the main ballroom and have your lesson during a busier time. Eventually, you can jump into a group class. Remember, everyone there is learning and EVERYONE is nervous. After some time, you will be able to participate in a studio party and little by little, you will be good to go at any social situation.

It’s not easy but anything worth having is worth fighting for. You can do it and it will change your life!⠀

Still not sure if you can do it? We suggest taking advantage of JT Ballroom Dance Studio’s free lesson offer. First lesson is free all new students. It is a perfect opportunity to give it a try! What have you got to lose?

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