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5 Ways Dance Lessons Rekindle Romance

By February 14, 2019February 1st, 2024New Students, Relationship

Let’s think back for a moment…Do you remember the feeling you had when you first met your significant other? The feeling of excitement, passion, attraction, butterflies! There is nothing quite like the feeling of falling in love. More than likely you were on your best behavior right? You were attentive, romantic, spontaneous.

And now…meh!

It’s not unusual for couples in long-term relationships to lose the initial “can’t keep your hands off each other” feeling. We tend to let life get in the way. Kids, work, bills…everything except your relationship becomes priority. What was once cute and funny is now annoying. Differences that you used to find captivating now cause arguments. So…is all hope lost? Absolutely not! It’s just beyond time to work on rekindling your relationship and luckily we can help!

There are many ways to bring that spark back. One of the most effective ways however, is to try something new together, like dancing! There are many benefits that come with taking dance lessons and studies now show that bringing couples closer together is one of them!

“When these new activities are enjoyable, that tends to increase your attachment to each other, and you have more in common to help further build the ‘glue’ of your relationship”.

Gary Brown- Ph.D, licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

Here are 5 reasons why taking dancing lessons will change your relationship forever

1. QUALITY TIME- Scheduling weekly dance lessons gives you a chance to spend time together on a regular basis. No phones, no kids, no interruptions. From the moment our couples walk into the studio, they give 100% of their time and attention to each other. They no longer focus on the bills sitting on their kitchen counter but instead focus on each other, all while learning something new together.


2. AUTOMATIC DATE-NIGHT- Scheduling weekly date-nights can be hard enough, but then there is the actual planning part. The dinner and movie night can get old…fast! Think about it, when was the last time you and your spouse went on a distraction free date-night? One that got you excited and nervous all at the same time? Dance lessons never get old. You are constantly learning new dances, different steps, and meeting new people! Our couple’s enjoy their dance lessons so much that they actually us it as their date nights. No planning involved, just show up!

3. COMMUNICATION- The key to successful partner dancing is moving in perfect unison together. In order for that to happen, you and your partner must work as a team and learn to communicate in a new way. Dance communication is physical not verbal. You communicate through movement of the body and eye contact. You reconnect on a deeper level than ever before. Now how sexy is that?!

4. PHYSICAL TOUCH- One of the most important aspects of partner dancing is the physical connection. Couple’s in long-term relationships rarely connect physically on a regular basis. While dancing, you will be physically connecting for long periods of time and this skin-to-skin contact releases oxytocin, the pleasure hormone. You are holding each other, making eye-contact, feeling each other breath. Need I go on?

5. KEEPING THE SPARK ALIVE- Learning to dance together is not just a short-term activity. It is an investment in your romantic future. Once you learn how to dance, you two have a new skill that you can use anywhere! Keeping the spark alive and exciting wont be a problem anymore. No more just sitting around at weddings and parties. Did you know there are cruises devoted to dancing? Yup, actual dance cruises! Once you learn how to dance, cruises wont be just for eating anymore. You can explore the sea while dancing the night away. Travel to Mexico and go Salsa dancing. Tango your way through the streets of Argentina. Opportunities for romance are endless.

Students at JT Ballroom Dance Studio

“Dancing together has truly strengthened our relationship, with simple things like the trust that you have to put in your partner, allowing one another to lead and be led, being completely focused on each other, getting to harmoniously yet strongly connect and tune into one another through music and movement…It’s like we’ve gained new senses! It really is the only time when we both get to completely disconnect from the world and leave all stresses behind”.

Rob and Julia, students at JT Ballroom Dance Studio

Dancing together increases intimacy. It allows you to get to know each other’s bodies and improves how well you work together. You are learning how to read each other, move as one and understand what the other person needs on a much deeper level than verbal communication. Being face-to-face, making eye contact, hand in hand, moving together to beautiful music will spark the romance back in any relationship.

So next time you are looking for ways to rekindle your relationship, we suggest giving dance lessons instead!

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