Was learning how to dance something you have wanted to do but always put off? You are not alone! But the good news is that it’s NEVER too late to start learning and it turns out that it is GREAT for your health! Whether you are 18, 35, 60 or 80, learning to dance is something you can do at any age.
We all know the benefits that dancing has on our bodies. Now a new study published in ‘Frontiers in Human Neuroscience’ proves that dancing has the biggest effect on the aging of the brain.
Researchers found that dancing made a positive impact on the hippocampus. This area of the brain that can be prone to age-related decline and is affected by forms of dementia including Alzheimer’s disease. It also plays a role in memory, learning and even balance.
The National Institute of Aging lists dancing as an activity that can help ward off osteoporosis, arthritis and even Alzheimer’s. In addition, it helps maintain a healthy, independent life-style, improves coordination, builds self-esteem, and improves your social life.
Dancing is fantastic for your health and it is even more important to stay active as you grow older. It is known that regular exercise has a positive effect of slowing down or counteracting age-related decline. Turns out that exercise alone is okay, but exercising for a FUN reason, like dancing, is even better! It keeps people feeling upbeat, youthful and exuberant.

Well…looks like dancing is the new fountain of youth and word is getting out! At JT Ballroom Dance Studio, there are students ranging from 16 years of age to 80! Each one there for different reasons but having a great time and dancing together. In fact, some of the best dancers in the studio started after 50. If you are ready to add dancing to your anti-aging regimen, we recommend starting with a FREE initial private lesson. Your instructor will start by teaching you some basic steps at a speed you are comfortable with and then come up with the best suited plan to get you started on your dance journey.
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